World over, developments in IT have caused Stock Exchanges to move over to electronic
trading systems. These are cheaper, have wider reach and provide for better price
determination and trade execution.
The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) today handles 15 million trades per day
in the Capital Market. NSE has set up a separate company, NSE Infotech Services
Ltd, which takes up all the IT related assignments of NSE.
NSE operates through trading members, each of whom trades with other members through
a computer terminal. The trading members trade on various market segments such the
Capital Market, Futures & Options, Wholesale Debt Market, Currency Derivatives,
Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLBM) segment, Mutual Fund and IPO segements.
All these are linked to the central NSE computer through dedicated leased lines.
NSE is present on the internet as The website displays live quotes, corporate announcements,
and many other features.
NSE provides Neat on the Web internet trading software, through which a member can
provide trading facility to its clients over the internet.
IFM, as a member of NSE, and as an online broker in India, provides the best trading
services to our clients. We also have a very strong online presence with a state-of-the-art
technology where clients get complete access to our exhaustive research and trading
services. The online trading broker system allows clients to track the markets by
setting up their own market watch, receiving research tips, stock broking alerts,
real-time charts and news and many more features enable the client to take informed
decisions.Trading in equities is made simple, safe and interesting with regular
advice from the research desk through SMS alerts, weekly market pulse weekly trade
ideas, periodical research reports and stock recommendations.